Shuttle Time Tutors – Buenos Aires, Argentina

img-20160914-wa0013From 9  to 11 of September, Argentina Badminton Association developed a Shuttle Time course in the city of Buenos Aires. The course were attended by 17 participants from the cities of Neuquen, Cordova and Buenos Aires, and led by the peruvian instructor Martin del Valle, who conducted the theoretical and practical sessions for three days, in morning and afternoon sessions . The participants showed great interest in learning more about badminton. Argentina has showed that has much potential for the growth of our sport.

As a result, 13 new Shuttle Time Tutors, obtained their certificates. We welcome and congratulate the new Tutors for having approved the course.

Almada Alejandro, Pablo Piedrabuena,  Joaquín López,  Mariela Parisi,  Daniel Belizan,  Elizabeth Rivas,  Roberto Bardecci,  Ezequiel Capdevila,  Sebastian Bolbochan (cordoba), Pablo Coronato,Hector Maleh,  Yoel Direne (mar de plata) Santiago (mar de plata).

