The Guyana Badminton Association will be running off the Badminton World Federation & Pan American Shuttle Time Programme which will be conducted by Prof. Richard Wong (BWF Shuttle Time Tutor & Coach).
The programme will consist of Morning sessions at the GOA Headquarters on High Street Kingston for the Theoretical and Afternoon sessions at the National Gymnasium for the Practical. It will give P.E. teachers the opportunity to use Badminton during P.E sessions and also teach it to the Students writing a Sport for CSEC/Cape Exams and also help you with understanding Badminton.
Shuttle Time lessons are designed to provide children with a positive image of badminton through many opportunities to have fun, engage with others, and experience success.
Participants will be evaluated towards BWF Certificate at the end of course delivery. There are 18 participants aiming for Teachers Certification and 6 participants going for Tutor Certification.